June 10, 2014


Can you believe it? Two games in a row we’ve played teams that give a shit. Just like the Twins, we are now due for a win (because that’s how sports works right?)

Last week provided some highlights, and some lowlights, but mostly some entertainment:

  • Caitlin was propositioned by many people at the Sunrise Inn, only to discover that they were more interested in Dan’s Subaru than Caitlin.
  • Kristen continued to show that she is adopted, by not being freakishly tall and refusing to yell “White Dynamite” everytime she touched the ball.
  • Paul was not present at the game, which was only noticed because there were considerably more beers left over than most games we have seen before.
  • Amanada kidnapped Kelsey and Tara, forcing them to attend a “concert” with her, which was really just her playing Guitar Hero in her dungeon basement.
  • Sommer raged so hard before the game, she purposely locked her keys in her car so she wouldn’t have something to stab Mike with

This weeks game is at 6:00pm against District 5. We need to know if you can’t make this game since it is so early. This won’t stop Mike from pregaming at work.

I = Tall

Dynamite Out.

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